We are looking for a colleague to join our team.
Information about the company:We are European company-supplier that works on the industrial energy market equipment (office in the Czech Republic, Trshinec – Canada), we announce the vacant position: Regional company representative in the East Europe ( Ukraine ).We work with Customers in the industrial sector. Our extensive experience and powerful technical base is given possibility perform almost any task of selection and implementation industrial energy equipment for Customers.We are successful have passed all crises and recruiting rotate every year.Our brands are well known all over the world.If you know how to sell, if for you a sale – it is a victory, if you are motivated to earn and not only work for a salary, if you do not stop in front of obstacles, if you know how convince of what you believe in, if you have the spirit of a winner and have technical mind, then you – then you are our candidate.
Duties of the position:
- search new projects ( industrial enterprises );
- knowledge of the electrical engineering market equipment ;
- consultancy technical and commercial clients ;
- carrying out technical presentations ;
- selection equipment ;
- agreement and arrangement contracts ;
- carrying out negotiations for all job levels ;
- technical advice customers.
Candidate requirements :
- knowledge English languages not lower average level;
- readiness for business trips ;
- skills driving effective negotiations and conclusion contracts ;
- skill independent organizations works ;
- excellent communication qualities ;
- skill work in a team .
Contact us at:
e-mail: info@riaenergy.cz
tel: +420603942077